Weston-super-Mare Rocks

Pokémon Club - Stay and Play


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Pokémon Club - Stay and Play at The Stable Games Room.

Do you Love Pokémon?

Do you know how to Play the Card Game? Do you want to learn?

If the answer is yes - or if you just want to come and hang out and watch - then come down to The Stables Games Room on Tuesday, 31st May, 26th July,16th August and 30th August from 10am till 2pm.

ALL skill levels are Welcome, and we will be teaching new players too!

Parents are encouraged to stay - the Bar and Café will be open... 

Everything to play is provided - but do bring your own decks or folders if you would like to play/trade etc.

You don't have to turn up at 10, and you don't have to stay until 2, just rock up and stay for a game, or just to say "Hi"

Entry is £5, which will include a FunPack of Cards. No need to book


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